How much should you be earning in your charity job?
The brand new 2024 Harris Hill Salary Survey has the answers, with the latest rates and analysis for more than 200 positions in the UK charity and not-for-profit sector.
In our 17th annual edition, you'll find market insights and the going rate for your role, whether you’re a community fundraiser or communications director, digital specialist or data-head, finance manager or HR advisor, and whether you’re with a household-name charity or smaller organisation.

How it's compiled
With our thanks firstly to the several hundred superb organisations who’ve entrusted us with their recruitment needs since last year’s survey, we start with the salaries of the 2,000 or so roles that have crossed our desks during the financial year to 31 March 2024, spanning all major charity departments.
Role by role, our specialists then review the data, using their insight and expertise to adjust for highly unrepresentative cases that might distort the overall picture, and applying their up-to-the-minute market knowledge to ensure we reflect what’s actually being paid (not just what’s advertised) for each role throughout the sector.

Market trends
Providing some context for the figures, we also look at current trends in the charity recruitment market, with our specialists' insights on what's happening in each area. Are wages really rising faster than inflation? What’s driving the demand for fundraisers (and where can marketers get some)? And what’s the going rate these days for a charity CEO?
Plus: why have one job when you can have what used to be two jobs, hastily stitched together into some sort of experimental hybrid? A Head of Community and Corporate Fundraising, perhaps, or a Director of Finance and IT? We're seeing more and more of these roles in every area, so we look at the reasons for the rise, the benefits and drawbacks of such roles, and how best to approach them should you find yourself applying or recruiting for one.

View or download the survey
Please complete the form below to access the survey, which you can view online and/or download for your reference.

For more information...
You'll find contact details for the relevant specialists alongside the salaries in their respective fields, and they're the best people to call with any queries on salaries, jobs or recruiting in those areas.
Meanwhile for any enquiries or requests regarding the survey itself, please call us on 020 7820 7300 or get in touch by email.

The Harris Hill Salary Survey archive
We've been reporting on salaries in the charity sector since 2006, and you'll find the last few editions here, including our collaboration with CharityJob on the 2019 Salary Report.
Find it here, along with earlier surveys from the archive.
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