Branded recruitment campaigns
In addition to advertising on our website and relevant key job boards, we can offer fully branded recruitment campaigns across multiple channels, increasing exposure for the organisation and the role/s.
We've previously run this type of campaign for organisations such as Prostate Cancer UK, Fareshare and the Eden Project, and below is an example of a campaign for the Woodland Trust.
The Woodland Trust enlisted our help to recruit 15-20 field-based Membership Development Officers, to work on a part-time basis in 18 different locations throughout the UK.
Branded microsite
Following the organisation's brand guidelines and using a selection of their own striking photography, we created a bespoke microsite to provide potential candidates with a fuller understanding of the roles, and a better feel for the organisation than a standard job posting can achieve.
Hosted at an easy-to-remember address in the format, microsites enable us to include helpful background and supporting information that job board advertisements rarely allow for, given their text-only format and restricted length.
By creating a bespoke design specifically for the campaign, we can present a fuller picture and convey detailed information in a more visual and engaging way, giving more scope to attract and enthuse prospective applicants. Candidates who are better informed are typically better able to gauge their own suitability and level of interest in the role, so this can also improve the overall quality and standard of applications.
Harris Hill website, blog and social media
To promote the vacancies and drive traffic to the microsite, we created a teaser post on our regularly-updated blog, which in turn creates a prominent branded banner on the Harris Hill homepage where it's immediately visible to all site visitors.
Branded updates (linking to the blog and the microsite) were then posted across our social media channels, which have a combined following of more than 15,000 people throughout the UK charity sector and beyond.
The simple URL means that organisations can easily publicise and link to the campaign within their own communications too, driving further traffic to the site.
More client-branded campaigns
Click below to see more microsites we've previously created for a variety of organisations around the UK:
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Royal British Legion | | Maudsley Charity | | Air Ambulance |
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Caudwell Children | | The Donkey Sanctuary | | Charity Finance Group |