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Whether you’re looking for a great new role or great new fundraisers, why not talk to someone who really understands what you’re looking for?

We have the UK's largest and most experienced team of dedicated fundraising recruiters, so whether it's community or corporate, major donor or legacies, direct marketing or events, you’ll work with someone who really knows the market, with a clear understanding of your challenges and requirements, and up-to-the-minute knowledge of the best opportunities, organisations and individuals in your specialism, right across the sector. ​

Placements in the last five years
Job types

Regularly-recruited roles

All roles from junior assistant to director level in:

Community Fundraising
Corporate Partnerships
Direct Marketing
General Fundraising
Individual Giving
Major Donor Fundraising
Trusts & Statutory Fundraising

Recent clients

Jobs: Fundraising

Specialists in this area

Ryan Elmer

Ryan Elmer

Temps Divisional Director - Marcomms, Events and Fundraising

Dagmara Wolosiuk-De Paula

Dagmara Wolosiuk-De Paula

Principal Consultant - Fundraising

Dominic Gilchrist

Dominic Gilchrist

Consultant - Fundraising
