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Our strategy

Our strategy

We have ambitions to commit c.£44m over the next period 2024-2029. This is a major commitment of funds and continues to place the Charity as the largest specialist mental health funder in the UK charity sector. Underpinned by the development of our new Change Model, we have created a strategy for 2024-29.

Change Model


Everyone who experiences mental illness has the right treatment, care and support for them.

  • Greater equity in care and support.

  • Better quality treatment is widely available.

  • Care and support are shaped by diverse expertise and experience.

  • Intervention is as early as possible.

  • More people live well with their illness.


We fund solutions.

We focus on those most failed.

We leverage our relationship with the NHS.

We amplify impact.


Our goals

  • People affected by psychosis get the best care and opportunities to live life to the full

  • There is an improvement in the mental health of children and young people who are living in the most challenging circumstances and facing complex difficulties

  • The care and support provided by South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust is improved and enhanced through our partnership

  • The transformation of young people’s mental health is accelerated through the Pears Maudsley Centre & Kings Maudsley Partnership

Our grant-making

Thematic funding

Large-scale programmes that aim to make change by placing greater focus on specific areas over a longer period. We have currently pledged millions of pounds over the next 10 years to each of two themes. These grants will go towards quality improvement projects, research and evaluation, and voluntary sector initiatives.

  • Living Well with Psychosis: a £14m fund focused on improving outcomes for those affected by psychosis. It supports a range of approaches to improving services and supporting the communities in SLaM boroughs, and beyond.

  • Young People Programme: a £10m fund a range of early intervention/secondary prevention projects for children and young people. Partnership working and the involvement of young people will be central to design and delivery.

NHS grants programme

This package of grants is exclusively available to South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust and acknowledges our strong historical and ongoing ties. Within this allocation, are a mix of small and large grants which support the work and wellbeing of NHS teams, and improve experience and outcomes of care.

Anchor programmes

Our Anchor programme funds four projects which collectively support South London and Maudsley. They are outside of mainstream mental health provision but enhance the lives of people who use services. They are South London and Maudsley Volunteer Service, South London and Maudsley Recovery College, Bethlem Gallery and Bethlem Museum of the Mind.

Transformation projects

Large scale funding on major, transformational initiatives such as the Pears Maudsley Centre - a new centre on the site of the Maudsley Hospital and IoPPN which will be a world first integrated site for care and research, designed with young people involved and in mind.

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